Interflour Vietnam
Sourcing & Procuring Grain
Our Business > Sourcing & Procuring Grain

Our centralized sourcing team is based in Singapore and sources the best variety of wheat from around the world to meet the needs of Mills’ networking and quickly adapt to the changing market conditions.
The best quality grain is sourced from traditional wheat varieties growing in countries like Australia, USA, Canada and Europe; and most of our wheat sources coming from Australia.
Wheat varieties can vary considerably between countries, regions and even growing seasons. You can trust that our procurement team understands how these factors affect the market and how to find the best materials at the lowest prices.
Our product development teams are constantly learning, researching new premixes and ingredients to meet the needs of our customers.
Factories located within the Interflour Group's strategic locations in Southeast Asia enable our expert team to efficiently organize freight planning to reduce costs in the supply chain.

Other suppliers
We value transparency and fairness in everything we do including procuring goods and services.
It is vital that the procurement function is carried out in a fair, transparent and honest manner that secures best value for money and develops long lasting relationship with our suppliers.
We welcome any partnership opportunities with businesses, vendors, contractors and customers. Send your company profile, proposal or quotation to our Group Procurement team at;
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